Shuddhi Trust: The 2030 Mandate

Video version of some of the aspects discussed below. Note — The written version below is more exhaustive.

The following is a list of our agendas for the next 10 years:-

  1. Lay the foundation for a sustainable model of education that fosters initiative and independent thinking, encourages discovery and nurtures constructive self-expression
  2. Consolidate safety and autonomy of women and lay the foundation for a large-scale rise in female leadership in society
  3. Foster citizen initiative and promote active citizen participation in the making of our nation
  4. Promote availability and consumption of food that is wholesome, local, organic and environmentally friendly
  5. Establish the foundation for improved transparency and integrity of the information that is consumed by the public

Each of the above is intended to impact areas that we believe need significant reforms.

Why 2030?

As an organization, not only is it important to have clear objectives, but it is also important to reevaluate the scope and relevance of our objectives and actions periodically. Ten years seems like a reasonable period for us to look ahead and plan for before needing to reevaluate.

And why did we choose these 5 areas specifically?

  1. Transforming education — The most potent segment of our society is our children and education has the most direct impact on them. Investing in their growth and the quality of human beings they will become can have the most significant impact on the future of mankind. Transforming education in terms of its nature, quality and reach will take many decades of seemingly fruitless labour, but when the time comes, it will be an irreplaceable blessing to the world. We have placed this at the top of the list because this will take a long time to bear fruit given the scale of impact we’re aiming to have and so we have to start at the earliest.
  2. Freeing women — Women across the globe collectively make up for a significant source of unexpressed human potential. Even in places where there are no explicit limitations on women’s freedom, the conditions that prevail in most societies discourage women from exercising basic rights such as freedom of mobility, freedom of choice or freedom of employment among others. Working towards practical solutions to these problems can free up a large segment of repressed human potential.
  3. Promote citizen initiatives — With growing human populations, large structures of top-down governance will not be the most efficient way to organize our societies. To have a large number of people depending on a handful of individuals in power will begin to seem hopeless. The solution would be to consolidate alternative structures of governance to supplement existing structures. The alternative structures will need to involve large-scale, constructive participation of citizens. To turn societies dependent on their governments into self-reliant but cooperative groups of individuals can only happen through massive participation, organization, and cooperation among its citizens. And once individuals or groups of individuals become self-reliant and know how to cooperate with each other to solve problems, all the other problems, regardless of how challenging they may be, can be dealt with effectively.
  4. Promote wholesome diet — The impact of diet on human wellbeing is significant but unfortunately grossly underestimated. Impoverished diet means impoverished humanity. A lot must be done to promote both the availability and consumption of wholesome foods at a massive enough scale that whole populations can be energetic and rejuvenated rather than diseased and dependent.
  5. Uphold our right to truth—The most dangerous threat to the integrity of any society is when large numbers of its people are either ignorant or misinformed. Whether it is sloppy journalism or deliberately crafted lies sold en masse, when large numbers of people believe in what is not true, significant negative consequences await everyone. A foundation must be laid to consolidate our right to know the truth and our ability to verify the authenticity of what we’re told.

In the next 10 years, until 2030, we will channel our efforts in making progress in these areas.

So, again… why these 5?

We are committed to doing what is necessary with transparency, efficiency and inclusivity.

As can be understood from our mission statement, necessity plays a significant role in determining the motivation and the course of our actions. But the answer to “what is necessary?” is not something that all of us can agree upon.

What you see listed as our agenda for until 2030 is just what we find to be necessary. But, surely there are other things that are necessary, perhaps arguably more necessary. For instance, issues such as the water crisis, human trafficking, large-scale human-driven ecological damages such as the destruction of ocean life through plastic pollution or that of global climate change or the rapid depletion of natural resources among others. Surely the number of issues that can be considered necessary are staggering. So our choice of these 5 outlined above needs justification.

While our intention is to do what is necessary, we must also ensure that our actions are effective. So it becomes important for us to choose our goals so that we are able to reach them given our capabilities. From where we stand now, we are certainly not in a position to make an immediate large-scale impact on anything in the next 10 years, let alone challenging global crises. We are not there yet. However, what we can do effectively is to slowly but steadily build the foundation needed for us to address any and all necessities that may arise. And that is what our 2030 mandate entails — areas that are important but at the same time, not in a state of such an immediate crisis that our efforts may fall short in delivering an effective response.

If you pay attention to the areas we’ve chosen, each and every one of them is, in one way or another, centered around human empowerment. We want to nurture children, empower women’s freedom, encourage human initiative, transform human diet so that we can be capable of doing whatever we choose to do and finally, to ensure that our right to truth is safeguarded. In each of these, the central aim is to empower humanity and channel our energies constructively. Because, in the end, human beings are the only force potent enough to address any necessity that may arise in the world. And building that force is not an overnight task. It will take many years, many decades or perhaps even many generations of persistent effort. So we want to invest in that force from the beginning.

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